Jumping On The Trends Wagon

Brands that can adapt to trends quickly are more likely to keep up with their audience and thus engage them further.

That’s because trends are a fun way to showcase your brand’s personality and boost your exposure, with Instagram users loving to interact with the latest and greatest viral crazes.

If you’re stumped what to focus your next Reel on—seek out some inspo’ by browsing your peers’ hottest featured creations through the dedicated Reels tab located in the centre of your navigation bar.

Notice anything that seems to pop up a lot — a particular song? An audio clip or Reel format maybe? Any dance trends you’ve noticed doing the rounds?

You might also consult TikTok to see what’s trending there and create a Reels version, or discover the hottest trends by checking out Instagram’s most recent Reel trend report.

Furthermore, explore trending audio on Instagram by heading to the Reels tab – take a scroll and note any tracks that have the “trending” arrow for your next clip.

But watch out! As trends come quickly, they also go quickly. Always make sure to strike while the iron is hot and hop on a trend before it becomes old news to attain maximum exposure.

Be Original And Get Creative

In the same breath, if you’re always sticking to creating the same content that everyone else is churning out, your hard-earned followers are eventually going to get bored and stop watching.

And no- don’t be regurgitating the same content you’re posting on your feed or Stories either.

If you really want to keep your audience engaged and keep them hooked on your page, your Reels content needs to be original and creative.

When you’re stuck in a creative rut, it can be really useful to brainstorm what you to differentiate yourself from your competitors and their Reels.

Could your business offer up a fresh new perspective on your chosen topic or perhaps present your business niche from a different angle? Perhaps you could put your own twist on an existing trend in a way that viewers might not have seen before?

Alternatively, if you’re a bit of a production and editing wiz- it’s also a great idea to bring your content to life and add another sprinkling of polish and creativity to the finish of your Reel to blow your audience away.

For example, you could try playing around with some awesome transitions, experiment with some fun shooting angles, try out some funky settings or even pop in some impressive visual effects with which the stars of your Reel can interact.

Get Sharing

No one wants to pour all their blood, sweat and tears into creating a knockout video only for no one to see it.

If you’re looking to increase your reach and boost views- not to mention increase your chances of going viral- it’s a good idea to share your Reel in as many places as possible.

That being said, try to make a habit of sharing your Instagram Reels to your Instagram Stories as well as your Instagram feed for each new Reels upload.

Hint: If you’re concerned about compromising that picture-perfect Instagram aesthetic you’ve worked so hard to put together, not to worry- Instagram allows you to upload an alternative cover image for your Reel that fits in nicely with the rest of your content.

Another fun way to boost your exposure is to invite a collaborator.

If the collaborating user accepts your invite to collab, your post will be shared with their followers, and they’ll also be shown as a co-author on the post.

And you know what that means? More exposure. Ding ding!

To tag Instagram accounts in your Reel, tap “Tag People” before hitting that post button.

Educate Your Audience

instagram reels

Much like TikTok, the joy of learning on Instagram Reels stems from the platform’s creative, accessible and digestible bite-size format which helps users to easily absorb new information in a way that is fun and engaging.

Of course, people are still making dance videos and they’re always fun- but nowadays, heaps of creators are going viral by sharing informative content.

From life hacks to sign language, makeup tips to delicious kitchen recipes, showcasing your expertise is the perfect way to add value to your content and reinforce your credibility, boosting your content’s overall performance and engagement.

And by drawing upon your own experiences and insights, you may even find yourself interacting with your followers in a more meaningful way than ever before by pioneering important conversations that perhaps have not yet been explored.

What expertise or advice could your business bring to the table?

Include 3 – 5 Hashtags

Instagram hashtags can make or break the success of your Reel.

Popping in 3-5 hashtags is a simple and effective way to give yourself a leg-up on the Instagram algorithm, boost your exposure and build up your community by pushing your content in front of your target audiences.

For example, if your Reels content is about food, you might pair your creation with hashtags such as #foodporn, #mealinspo or #yummy.

This will make clear to the algorithm that your Reel is about food, prompting it to share your creation to your fellow foodies.

However, when selecting your hashtags, be aware that the most popular Instagram hashtags are not always best at getting you the most exposure.

If a particular hashtag attracts masses of posts, it could indicate that many users follow that hashtag- but that also means there’s a ton of content on it and your posts might get lost.

For optimum engagement, Instagram recommends using a mixture of both popular and niche hashtags to increase your reach among multiple audiences, ranging from general to specific.

And don’t feel disheartened if it doesn’t click right away- keep in mind that each Instagram account is different and that you will likely need to undergo a process of trial and error at the start of your Reels journey to discover which hashtags are the most effective for your creations.

Lead With a Hook

To tally up those views, you need people to stop to watch your video in the first place.

That’s why how you start your Reel matters, perhaps even more so than the rest of the video.

When planning your content, consider what would make your target audience stop and pay attention to your video in a few seconds.

A special effect? A funny facial expression or some captivating text, perhaps?

It’s also a fun idea to cover up part of your Instagram Reel with a GIF or image, particularly when sharing it on your Story, to pique your audience’s curiosity and encourage them to click and watch the full video.

And don’t overlook the power of the cover image- this will be the first thing that many users see, so don’t forget to include your hook here.

Wrapping Up

For this award, I’d like to thank my mum, my dad, my dog…*tears up*

In short, creating Instagram Reels is one of the best tactics you can use right now to grow your following and build up a strong community on Instagram.

So why not make the most of it?

With the help of these simple-yet-effective 10 top tips, your Reels will be sure to impress new and existing followers alike, rack up a ton of engagement and blow away the competition for that dreamy Oscar-winning moment.

Which tips are you going to grab for your next Reel?


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