Top 10 Magic Tricks You Need to Scale Your Business
For those who are unaware, scaling is when revenue increases without a substantial increase in resources.
Scaling a business is different from growing a business. Scaling your business means that you can handle an increase of sales, work, or output in a strategised manner, without suffering in other areas.
Many businesses often achieve reasonable growth, but then hit a wall, other businesses lack knowledge of scaling up and growing their businesses, and others lack the confidence to try.
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, many businesses have suffered from stunted growth. It was recently reported that 160,000 U.S. businesses have had to close since the start of the pandemic, and 60% never reopened.
With businesses suffering on a global scale, scaling your company may seem unachievable right now, but this is not necessarily true.
You will still be able to find businesses in every industry that are having their best year yet.
If you have, or are thinking of having, your own business and are eager to see it grow successfully, then included in this article are some valuable tricks and tips that you can use.
- Identify Where Your Growth Will Come From
To grow your business, you must be able to identify the market’s opportunities.
Then, you should continuously strive to identify new growth opportunities if you want to achieve long-term business success.
Market research is a great asset when it comes to this stage. The more information you can collect about your competitors’ sales by country and category, the better you will be able to recognise if you are playing in similar markets or missing growth opportunities.
2. Have A Branding Strategy
What is a branding strategy, you ask.
This involves the brand image that you are going to present to consumers e.g., your logo, paper heading, and even the way that you dress your employees. Your strategy needs to remain fresh and relevant so, it would not be a bad idea to update your image every few years.
Why do you need it?
Customers are more invested in brands that they feel are in alignment with their way of life and the current trends.
Trends are constantly changing and as a rough guide, you should be updating your branding strategy every five years.
How should you use it?
It is recommended to outsource a consultant and even a graphic designer to help you set up your branding strategy. Outsourcing professionals ensure that you will have the best chance at attracting customers and scaling your business.
3. Establish A USP
USP stands for unique selling point, which refers to unique offerings to the marketplace. For example, do you have patented technology, or, what makes your brand stand out?
If you can identify these things and advertise them correctly, customers are much more likely to be interested in your brand. If you lack originality and struggle to stand out from your competitors, you may find it hard to make any sales.
How do you use it?
You can achieve a USP by improving your sales interface or innovating your products to a higher quality. If your product has a unique technology, then protect it with a patent or design right.
4. Competitive Intelligence
Competitive intelligence refers to the ability to understand your competitors by collecting information through business ads or visiting the competitor’s website.
Think about how your competitors have achieved growth. For example, find out have much staff they have now to give you an idea of how many you will need.
By understanding the marketplace and your potential competition, you can yield useful information that will help your business decisions.
Why do this?
Doing this will help you to avoid bad release dates for your products or offer something that is not of value to your customers.
How do you use it?
You can achieve competitive intelligence by undergoing web-scraping, cyberstalking your competitors, and by putting information in your client requirement management (CRM) system, which can be done by specialists.
5. CRM
CRM is a great sales and marketing solution that is usually cloud-based, which can be accessed by both employee and customer teams. To simplify, CRMs are lists of customer information that you can make notes on about personal preferences, etc, which can then help further sales.
Call lists can be both tagged or filtered, and clients that have more demands and require more attention can be flagged.
Doing this will help your brand achieve a better level of customer service and achieve a higher rate of sales.
Why should you use it?
This style of marketing creates a much more personal feel for the customer. Your team will always be up to date on a customer’s needs.
How to use it?
You can use a software solution for CRM such as Salesforce and integrate it into your sales, support teams, and marketing, to help provide up-to-date information in an organised manner.
6. Email Marketing and SMS Marketing
Email and SMS marketing refers to reaching out to customers through email or SMS. The content of the messages will contain news and topics that are of interest to the receiver, and a link to locate them to a website.
Why should you use it?
Successful email marketing can get customers interested and subscribe to your brand.
How do you use it?
Add-ons are a trendy way to create and then send out marketing material to users. The software can be used to achieve this such as Klaviyo and Mailchimp.
7. Sales Copy and Ad Creative
This refers to creating professional marketing materials, which can be achieved in-house by outsourcing sales and marketing professionals.
Failure to achieve strong marketing materials will negatively affect your brand’s sales, loyalty, and reputation. Content that is too subtle will result in your ads being missed, and too loud may be irritating or insulting.
These are the reasons why outsourcing is the recommended way to achieve the best ads for your brand.
8. Social Media Ads
Social media ads are the sponsored content that appears on users’ timelines.
Failure to get the right strategy including things such as wrong colour choice or wording can result in terrible results.
To give your brand the best chance of growth, do sufficient research or even hire a social media specialist.
9. Organic Reach
Organic reach refers to the number of people who have seen your post through unpaid circumstances. The benefit of organic reach is that it is free.
Why use it?
Research shows that this way of marketing is the least intensive and users do most of the work for you, which will save you money!
The results of an organic reach tend to snowball, which means that the more organic reach that you have, the faster it grows. You will find that good organic reach will give you much better lead generation.
10. Omnichannel Presence
What is this?
This sounds like it is going to be complicated, but when it’s broken down, it is quite simple!
This trick refers to having different customer interfaces being aligned, which used to be known as 360-degree marketing.
For example, having a website design that remains constant with a mobile app, and should also match physical advertising such as billboards and shop fronts.
Customers should shop the same way in-store, on your website, and their mobile.
Everything that represents your brand needs to align and match so that you have a well-thought business strategy to drive the best sales.
11. A/B Testing
A/B testing is an experiment that includes two or more varieties of a page, which are then shown to users at random. An analysis is then taken to conclude which variation performs better.
This is a wonderful way to confirm which ads and web pages work best for your business. Bad presentations will result in users going to competitors that have better aesthetics.
The marketing specialist will be able to provide groups that conduct A/B testing and produce reports of what they find.
12. Try To Predict the Future
After you have taken all the correct steps to set your business up for growth, such as, perfecting your products and marketing strategy, you are not always guaranteed an upwards path. Still expect difficulties on your journey.
To help towards spotting potential failures, you can set alerts that can help you notice when something is not working.
When things go wrong for a business, it is often because they have not recognised the signs, which can begin months in advance.
Monitoring your cash flow is also important, as well as measuring your performance daily.
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